The High Tech High Chula Vista CommunityArtsProject is an interdisciplinary 12th Grade Art and Humanities project led by Dr. Maria Teresa Ceseña and Enrique Lugo. This project encouraged students to understand how space and environment shape their senses of belonging and safety (which in turn shape their moods, creativity, productivity and overall potentials). They then used their findings to collaborate with members of the Paradise Hills community to design, propose, and create a meaningful piece of public art, leaving their unique mark in the community!

music to our eyes

For more information on this project please contact Enrique Lugo today! 

In this project we will explore how music moves us, how it motivates us, and possibly how it breaks down the barriers between us. Students explored how they have come to enjoy the music they currently listen to as well as what it means to them. They work to understand why a particular song truly motivates or inspires them and how they can visually represent this. The goal is for a viewer to understand the imagery and meaning behind a song for each student through a fully functional art installation that plays music. We interpreted music, exercised our creativity, made our own musical timelines, sketched out our ideas & wrote about them, practiced basic Illustrator skills, made our own speakers using styrofoam plates, and then had our designs Laser Cut! Some of us used the styrofoam plate speakers and others brought one in. Now please enjoy the Music to Your Eyes!!!

For more information on this project and to request a mural for your location please contact Enrique Lugo today! 

after  •  radiating vibrance (2016) 

Before • 2365 Reo Drive • San Diego, CA 92139 

Every fall 12th grade students begin the process of applying to college. One of the first tasks they must complete is thinking about themselves and writing a personal statement. In an effort to facilitate this journey and have fun while doing so we created cardboard masks which represented each student. In order to design their mask each student responded to the following questions:

  • ​How do you see yourself?
  • How do others see you? Why do you think that is?
  • What do you hope others see in you? 

For more information on this project please contact Enrique Lugo today! 

Identity Masks